Warren Lodge #24 F&AM Ohio

2008 - 2009 Spring Clean Up

Lodge News
2008 Awards Night
2008 - 2009 Spring Clean Up
2009 Open House
Masonic Links

Spring Clean-up
Several Brethren helped with the Spring Clean-up prior to the Lodge Open House on March 21st.  The front planter wall was reset, kitchen and dining room cleaned, graffiti and trash removed, and interior cleaning done.

Bro. Dick Schulz Dusts

Bros. Lambert, Creager & Clement repair wall

W.B. Stu Mopping Dining Room Floor


Lodge Entry Lighting
New LED lighting was donated by W.B. Stu Shear to replace the old and discolored bulbs in the Masonic medalion above the entry. These bulbs produce more light and will last for up to approximately 100,000 hours of continual use.

Masonic Medalion

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informational purposes only for members of Warren Lodge #24 Piqua, Ohio
and visitors to this website.