Warren Lodge #24 F&AM Ohio

Lodge News
2008 Awards Night
2008 - 2009 Spring Clean Up
2009 Open House
Masonic Links

Welcome to
Historic Warren Lodge #24 F&AM of Ohio
217 West High Street
Piqua Ohio 45356


On November 17, 1840 the Grand Lodge of Ohio issued dispensation for a new Lodge in Piqua. It was given the name “Warren” in honor of General Joseph Warren, who was killed, at Breed’s Hill during the Revolutionary War. It was given the number 24, which was originally assigned to an Army Lodge located at Camp Meigs. From 1840-1854 the Lodge was located on the second floor of Tamplin’s Tavern on the southwest corner of Spring and Ash Streets in Piqua. The present building, built in 1848 as a Baptist church, became the home of Warren Lodge, after extensive renovation, in 1929.




Warren Lodge #24
stated meetings
are held on the first
Monday of the month
( September thru June ) at 7:30 PM

This website is not a tiled Lodge website and is for
informational purposes only for members of Warren Lodge #24 Piqua, Ohio
and visitors to this website.